A businessman owns a big company likes to employ a leftist more than another small businessman.
The businessman's daughter likes leftist guys more than handsome businessmen.
They love that you hate them!!!
It's wierd !!! We do hate them!!!
In TVs, Radios or any conversation, there are awlays two parts, two persons, two ideologies.
System representers and system breaking representers.
one who loves "now" and one who hates "now".
"now" is in the system.
When they love "now" they love to make now as long as their greed, to extend "now" forever.
"now" is their relax.
Who hate "now", they love to kill "now" now, no "now" nomore, every "now" sould be killed by itself, they are part of the "now" killers more than part of "now", we are "now" killers.
"now" lovers who owns the system, who controls the system, make killing an illusionary act. Because we kill by pathogens while they generate the pathogens and the anti-pathogens, they industry cigarettes and sell you anti-smoking products and organize anti-smoking groups,,, and while killing a businessman you do smoke a cigarette to show your killing muscles, you will not see his laughing eyes through the smoke of the cigarette.
"now" haters don't like illusion but they like to be active, to be activists so they are "illusionary" killing "now".Actually they decorate "now", they make "make up" for "now".
thats cooool with "now" lovers because it will not be boring to extend "now" into the illusionary future because "now" reshapes continuously by the act of activists who hate "now".
that's why in TVs, Radios and conversations the system owners, the capitalists, the government representers, fathers always calm quite and smile, they love your anger, your high voice, red face, hot blood, your insults.
THEY LOVE YOU because you keep them alive and function, you decorate their "now".
haha yeah the businessman will be pleased to employ you. and his daughter likes to make relation with you,,,
And we love that they hate us ... we love the illusion of we being hated.. That give us the illusion of that we are worthy and doing something, and we do not, in evidences we don’t make any change.
So, why we love that? and why we are so in enjoying this illusion??? ... because we are so self () we living in the community have no gathering awareness or we our god is one our mighty leader is one not even an idea when all that missing our god who should we please is our self ... as individual .. and we please this egger with this elusion... we are community from children our community is never grow up to deal with the situation or even analyze it to realize it
So REVILLUSIONSTS have the same function of real capitalists...
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