

Is the fantazy of loosing ur free will
enjoying ur slavery
the trance of being a puppet
to have a temporary freewill to do what she wants

Baby:: my lord,,,, Baby:: My master
with an ultimate freewill im will to be ur puppet
but, I beg u move me hard in a killing way...
The death of beauty declares the era of seduction...
Big Thanks for: My DELL laptop, Hollywood, Al-Jazeera, Macdonalds, Books, Lady Gaga, Modern building designs, Sunglasses and "Tafa2ol" lenses...!!

We are enjoying your joy...
We taste the ecstacy in cutting roots and carrying cielings...
We love sex but we don't love love...
We success, process, being great and being masters endeeping in our slavery...
The best man is who best buys, who knows the cheapest, the fastest and simplest...
"but never knows what he needs"
And there is no horizon in the horizon to create a man who creates what he needs...
We daily slave ourselves in slaving companies inorder to have the price of a robot who serves us...
This being "Fridge" is your modern master...
you silly athiests stop critisizing the Sky, sky has nothing to do these days...
Try to critisize your kitchen and sitting room... 

The very true TV show is the "biggest loser"
as much as you loose from yourself you become more winner....

"The shadow escapes from the body like an animal we had been sheltering."
— Gilles Deleuze (Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

‎"If you're trapped in the dream of the other, you're fucked."
— Gilles Deleuze

Me Ali:" Don't been trapped in your self-dream,then you will be a gay!!!
A gay with your body

"Esacape from your shadow sheltering into your free shadow
then your shadow will not escape against the light,
your shadow will be a light-seeker,
your shadow will be the rainbow itself in itself"


Two wings against all winds, To my love...!!!

Waiting the truthizing of my real dream to be realized by externalizing my inner passion to the outer world, and make ALL SUBJECTS screaming this is the ultimate ontic... this is who Ali is her boy friend and she is his space, negation and ultimate dream, closing my eyes again making the fiction machine producing ultimately an illusion of my perfect reality...
and I do always live between your real illusion and my illusion of reality...Maximizing my Countering against all the limitations pressing my externalizing to the minimum, dreaming someday I'll find my real self in itself without the limitations
And to tell the ontic honest stopping illusioning my self while all images are kind of illusion, I'm telling you i'm not waiting the perfect girl azif I have the perfect dream, but I'm waiting the very body and the very body ideology that can maintain my perfect crazy fantazy,
you my coming love, you never block my transcedental imaginery struggle but you awlays be a space of reality and a real space, containing all kinds of flowers obstacles and birds flying negations to my poor soul burned by poverty of historizing the objects of the environment I have been forced to no choose it...
I'm no waiting you on an axis of linear time,
I'm waiting you on the ultimate intersection points of all spiral axis froming the area of the universe...
So i'm waiting you with zero eyes perspecting on my chinese handwatch,
I'm waiting you with infinity eyes observing the soul of the universe and the fantazy sexual seducing movement of the body of the universe jumping one leg on a thing and the other on it's negation,
and I realize that the rosemarry bus will not pass,
I realize I'm the very driver who will pass to lift me,
As I'm rejecting hardly forming a class of struggle to achieve your eternality, cause I'm not sharing my dream, and I'm not sharing you,
I'm so lonely during and over and in this pursuiting to stock my lips on your high neck...
we will be two wings against all winds
and the head of our body is evoluting eternally...!!!


Seduction of the non-geographic spaces

Music is never specific...
Music is never a negation...
Music never critisize A your-notion...
Music is never Form your passion...

Music is just a non-geographic space seduces your passionate to be externalized...
That's why you are repeating a melody in different conditions having different styles of behaviour whith different passionate acting forming different theories...
it's not a result of music itself...but because music is a seducing outer space for your inner passion...
When lyrics are being engaged in music...Music then is reality and lyrics are beings...
To have perfect seduction with music and lyrics, Lyrics should not fullfill all the space not like a crowded coffeshop, and music should not offer the whole space for free not like an easy full naked bitch... a struggle is required by the consciousness of the observer to have the perfect externalizing of the inner passion in the reality beyond the illusion of the music space.
Facebook is a seducing non-geographic space, and a blog also...
When you create a blog give high care to your design quality, and the definition of quality here is the quality of seduction for other observers to observe, and for you yourself to write more...
And what I feel from the window of writing a new post in "Blogspot.com" is passion losing...
It's like to open your eyes after a dialectical musical dream on an empty impartial room...
This window I'm writing in, have zero ability to seduce the writer, azif I write in facebook then paste here... 


Universe observes music!!

Logic never means numbers, although it sometimes deals with numbers.
Logic of a musical tune be not able to be counted numerically, creators be able to create music without counting numerically, but academic musicians be not.
Philosophers comprehend the status quo walking in streets.
Academics need numbers.
Logic of a percussion be not counted by numbers, you can play percussion while you be invaded by the function of percussion, but you never play percussion while mind of you be counting micro-percussion elements, then you will be beyond the formula of the tune.
That happens, try it!!
In theatre watching period you be not able to deconstruct a musical tune into finite elements, "YOU NEVER HAVE SEX WITH eye-pupil, pavilion, thumb-tip and navel, YOU HAVE SEX WITH A LIVING BEING AND A MUSICAL TUNE IS A LIVING BEING".

May numbers be out of the formula, some formulas exist without numbers.
"Other symbols may be included".

A formula of a tune exists necessarily means the universe observes it.
The tune is a spirit of the universe.
Be every musical tune a spirit of the universe?
"Only the tune with real formulas be a spirit of the universe."


اه يا لغة يا خداعة!!!

ما أقبح جوامع الكلم حين لا تجمع الكلم بفهم جوهره وتضمين قانونه في ما جُمع...

إنها كبوات الضعيف في ثغرات ذات ضعفه و ضعف ذاته...
كبوات اللغة في ثغراتها...
كبوات اللغة العربية فيها...

كبوات أحياناً وأحيانا جثث هامدة...

خلعت اللغة أحذية السباق
حين خلعنا عقولنا من سباقنا
عقولنا هي أحذية اللغة
عقلك حذاء!!! أتشعر بالاهانة...إنها إهانة لغوية ولكنه فخر منطقي
إياك وخداع اللغة ... فهي مافيا خطف المنطق من النطق.

نزل الشعب بلجه ولجيجه محتجاً و مستنفراً على قرار السلطات بإجراء استفتاء شعبي..
الشعب ينزل ضد أخذ رأيه ... يعبر عن رأيه ضده ... اها فهمت انها نكتة ... فلنضحك سوياً ...
لا تخدعنك اللغة بأسرك في قضبان نقطة البداية والنهاية.. إياك
النص ليس موضوع   (Object) ليتم دراسته وفهمه.
أحيانا ينمو الموضوع (Object) باستقلالية عن الواقع فيحق لك وعيه باستقلالية..."ولا لع يا عماد"
ولكن لا يغررنّ بك نص بأن يوهمك بنموه المستقل
النص ليس موضوع.
و محمود درويش ليس مفكر.
النص لم يكن نكتة.. لأن الشعب نزل حقاً ضد قرار الاستفتاء الشعبي لأنه يعلم أن دوائر الاستفتاء نخرها سوس خداع الشعب, اذن اللغة لم تعبر عن موضوع ولا عن واقع بل أوحت وهماً بنصف ذلك.

ماذا تعرف عن الهندسة؟
في مصر قبل النصف الأول من القرن العشرين سيقولوا نعرف الدائرة ومعادلتها والمثلث ومساحته والمربع ومحيطه والمكعب وحجمه والمنحنيات.
في جامعة النجاح سيقول لك طالب دارس أن الهندسة هي الميدان التطبيقي للعلوم.
الاثنان صح بخطئهما..
المشكلة في لغة تطلق كلمة هندسة على علم المثاليات (دائرة, مربع, مكعب, ...الخ) Geometry وتطلق نفس الكلمة على التطبيق (الهندسة المدنية, الميكانيك, الكهرباء... الخ)Engineering.
أن تجمع المثال (Ideal)  والتطبيق (Application)  في مصطلح واحد دون فهم جوهر المعنيان ودون تضمين القانون الجامع لهو انحراف خطير عن وعي النقيض ووعي الواقع.
لا عجب إن واجهنا مشكلة تاريخية في علاقة النظرية بالتطبيق و النظرية في التطبيق ما دمنا نفكر في اللغة وباللغة وليس في الواقع وبالمنطق.


Center of Seduction

The center is not in the center.
the center of the pictue is not a normal center. 
Dividing a cube into two equal parts will create two cuboid.
if one of the two doubles density of the other, then the center of gravity will be in the center of one part, in the middle of the doubled density.
one fourth from the edge of the heavy part.
three fourth from the counter edge, this is the center of gravity, it depends on wights in addition to dimensions.

but the geometric center still in the middle in the center of the whole system. the geometric center has nothing to do with densities, it just deals with dimensions, pure geometry. Notice cube and cuboid are ideals they are not exist.
now back to the picture, im not looking for the center of gravity niether center of geomerty.

there is another center in the picture.
its what attract your sense from the first sense. it is what seduce you, it is "the center of seeduction".
why ??
from the first scene you think the lighting system what seduces you, there is a spot light on the sexy part of the painting, the other parts are disappearing under the right corner heat.
all the system disappears clearing the whole space of seduction for the right corner.
are you sure?
are you sure that the lighting system is what form the center of seduction.
I think not..
If its all about the lighting system the seduction then will be flash, just a moment.
but there is a deep seduction, creeping one.
let us give up for the seduction, and let it leads us to its ultimate limit, just to meaure its limits.
in the era of tolerance and international low, seduction will be an act of resistance, resistance to the whole system, the tolerance and international law system,
 seduction will defend the truth, will reveal the sexiest parts of the body, will reveal the truth, and will frame it by strong frames, by red ones, seduction in the era of tolerance is "EVIL".
"Evil always gives you nothing and you will be its "nothing" worshipper",
you best like to wait a girl under rain, you best like that girl does'nt look at you while walking, something inside you waits its look, its gesture, but the whole system of you wait nothing from her, to find "nothing" to worship. to make an evil image about her.
The bad lady in the painting with her red strong frame, illusion you by her body that she gives you something, but she gives nothing.
The geometric angles of her body is looking at you,
but seduction is beyond geometry. geometry= zero effect...
she illusions you by her eyes, but her eyes are away from you,
not very close and not very far. It's a deep dilemma
and you deeply believe that she doesn't care of your ancient existence, that you have been looking ate her, seduced by her for  long time.
you believe in that from the smoky smoke, she has just taken a smoke. she smokes she does'nt care, to be careless means stupidly to be strong, and a cigarrete gives you all of that, like
Tom in "Tom & Jerry" while waiting the inevitable death.
there is smoke,
there is something burning but you can't see it.
when something exists very close to you and you don't see it then you are the one who exists.
This optical system indicates that you are the one burning, you are under fire, fire of seduction

They love that you hate them!! YOU REV-ILLSUIONISTS

A businessman owns a big company likes to employ a leftist more than another small businessman.
The businessman's daughter likes leftist guys more than handsome businessmen.
They love that you hate them!!!
It's wierd !!! We do hate them!!!

In TVs, Radios or any conversation, there are awlays two parts, two persons, two ideologies.
System representers and system breaking representers.
one who loves "now" and one who hates "now".
"now" is in the system.
When they love "now" they love to make now as long as their greed, to extend "now" forever.
"now" is their relax.
Who hate "now", they love to kill "now" now, no "now" nomore, every "now" sould be killed by itself, they are part of the "now" killers more than part of "now", we are "now" killers.


"now" lovers who owns the system, who controls the system, make killing an illusionary act. Because we kill by pathogens while they generate the pathogens and the anti-pathogens, they industry cigarettes and sell you anti-smoking products and organize anti-smoking groups,,, and while killing a businessman you do smoke a cigarette to show your killing muscles, you will not see his laughing eyes through the smoke of the cigarette.

"now" haters don't like illusion but they like to be active, to be activists so they are "illusionary" killing "now".Actually they decorate "now", they make "make up" for "now".

thats cooool with "now" lovers because it will not be boring to extend "now" into the illusionary future because "now" reshapes continuously by the act of activists who hate "now".

that's why in TVs, Radios and conversations the system owners, the capitalists, the government representers, fathers always calm quite and smile, they love your anger, your high voice, red face, hot blood, your insults.

THEY LOVE YOU because you keep them alive and function, you decorate their "now".


haha yeah the businessman will be pleased to employ you. and his daughter likes to make relation with you,,,



the THIRD term

While u r listening to a speech about democracy and Hamas
dont only think about democracy and Hamas.
but think of the third term that connects the gap between them.

While im talking about me and Sameer it will be novelist talking descriping me and Sameer
but when we follow the dialectic we are to think about the term of the essence of the difference between me and Sameer.
so dont forget the third term even when u r watching hollywood movie about the democratic structures and the archaism islamic movement.

there r many third terms more than "versus or against"